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A Brief History of Guyana.  

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Christopher Columbus first sighted the Guyana coast in 1498. However it was the Dutch who were the first Europeans  to settle here in 1616 , establishing  a trading post in the Essequibo river , to trade with the Amerindians. Fort Island


The English were next inline and the reigns of control changed hands several times over the years between the two nations. Finally , the English  became the dominant  power in 1796.


Botanical GardensDuring this time slaves  were brought from Africa , to work on the sugar plantations. In 1834 slavery was abolished and the slaves set free, leaving many plantations to close or locate another source of labor. Demerara River


Eventually the British decided to transport indentured workers from India to work on the sugar plantations. Almost 250, 000 Indians came to Guyana during this time.


Yumanayana BenabFinally in 1966 the English granted independence to then British Guyana.....yepeee!!  Guyana remains a mixture of European influences which are present in the names of towns and streets .Town Hall


Also the old Victorian architecture is noticeable in the design of some buildings , such as the Town Hall and St. George's Cathedral , reputed to be the tallest wooden structure in the world. The old Dutch kokers still remain operable today.


Kissing BridgeMost of the population resides on the coastland , with  mostly the Amerindians remaining in the interior or savannahs , some still practicing the " old way of life" 




Okay I know this was a very brief history but what can I say I like to get right to the point....